The Parish Board of Trustees is responsible for the administration and financial programs of the parish.

The Board of Trustees helps implement the decisions made by the National Representative Assembly (NRA), conducts parish general membership meetings, and works hand-in-hand with the pastor to develop programs that enhance the spiritual, national, educational, and social life of the parish.

To contact the Board of Trustees, please email:


2024 Board of Trustees


Mike Injaian, Chairman
Ed Papazian, Vice Chairman
Dr. Nyree Dardarian, Secretary
Veronica Kazandjian Babayan, Assistant Secretary
Arthur Selverian, Treasurer


Shant Aghajanian

Lydia Arakelian

Alec Arakelian

Avo Arzoumanian

Michael Shamlian

Noubar Yeremian


National Representative Assembly (NRA) Delegates (Yerespokhans)

Dr. Ara Chalian
Karen Jehanian
Raffi Jehanian
Silva Santerian
Arthur Selverian
Albert Soltanian
Lucinda Stamboulian